Tuesday, 24 January 2017

Global Gag Rule - What Can You Do?

This is a super quick post that I will be updating with organizations that are refusing to sign the Global Gag Rule and who will need our donations to help protect women and families around the world.  For those that don't know, President Trump reinstated an executive order today barring US foreign aid from going to any NGO that provides abortion services or even discusses abortion with patients as an option for family planning, even if those funds don't come from the US.  Since Reagan first put it in place, there has been a lot of back-and-forth with this law, with Democratic presidents repealing it and Republican ones reinstating it.

This is a big deal - studies have found that when this gag rule is in place, women in developing countries bear unwanted pregnancies, die or become disabled due to unsafe abortions, or lose crucial medical care.  Let me repeat that - women will die around the world.  The UN estimates that unsafe abortions alone cause 13% of maternal deaths globally.  Learn more about it here.

So what can you do?

Option 1: You can call your federal representatives and I encourage you to do so.  Senator Jeanne Shaheen has released a statement saying that she will introduce bipartisan legislation in the Senate that would permanently repeal the Global Gag Rule.  Call your senators and ask them to co-sponsor and support this bill.  Don't Facebook.  Don't email.  Call.

Option 2: Donate.  Donate.  Donate.  I will compile and update a list of NGOs that are refusing to sign the Global Gag Rule and will therefore need your monetary support.  The US contributes millions to these organizations and many have just recently recovered from President Bush's administration.

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